Looking to move a deck between accounts with different email addresses? Click here.
What is happening?
We have some odd behavior in Paste® where visiting a link to a deck automatically switches you to the team the deck was created in, if the email addresses used for the teams are the same.
Let's say your name is Charlotte. So what happens is that we see that you are Charlotte and say, "Hey, Charlotte is also part of the team that this deck was created in so let's switch to that team where he can comment and collaborate with that team".
This auto-switching behavior is usually helpful when working with multiple teams, but not so helpful when you want to transfer or copy decks between them.
In the meantime, a workaround is to use a different email address for Team B to log in with—one that isn't being used to log into Team A. This will prevent the auto-switching behavior from happening because we won't recognize this different email address as being part of Team A.
What is the workaround?
Log in to Team B (where you want to copy the deck to)
Invite a new team member with an email address that is not being used for Team A (where you want to copy the deck from). Perhaps this is your own personal or secondary email address, or an actual person unique to Team B who can assist in copying decks over to Team B
Click the link in the invite email to join Team B with the new email address and log into Team B with this different email address
Sign out of Team B
Sign in to Team A
Open the deck you want to copy. Make sure the deck you want to copy is not Private (you can't share private decks outside of a team)
Click Share Deck
Click 'Copy' to copy the link to the clipboard. This is the same URL as in the browser URL bar
Sign in to Team B using the email address unique to Team B
Paste the deck URL into the browser window
Click the 'Copy to' button in the upper right corner of the deck
Repeat for each deck that you want to save. To make this process faster for multiple decks, you may stay logged into both teams using two different browsers (i.e. Chrome and Safari) and/or save the URLs of multiple decks somewhere (i.e. Notes) before switching over to Team B.